
Why is there a section dedicated to Adobe. It’s plain and simple; without the access we have across Visual Art, Visual Design, Photography and Film Studies to Adobe software and apps, most of what we do would not be possible. Its a simple and open acknowledgement to the important role Adobe tools play in enabling our students to realize the best of their creative potential.

Whilst I am part of the Adobe Education Leaders program I don’t have a specific mandate to promote Adobe products. The same thing would be being said and would have been said outside that forum. I’ve worked with Adobe products since my Head Teacher (Garry Kemp) over at Cranebrook High School threw me headlong into a fledgeling design course he wanted to get up and running in 1998. At that stage I couldn’t even put a Word document together. However by the end of that year I had Photoshop 5 and Illustrator under my belt and the rest is history. It was through working with these two that I began to understand interface logic and that enabled me to learn pretty much everything that I use today.

A few months ago when I was silly enough to attempt to tally what I was using it came to over 330 software applications on my standalone. On my mobile devices its its much the same e.g., 205 apps on my phone alone. So, I’m in part, indebted to Photoshop 5 for kicking off the whole revolution; for me at least. It’s all Adobe’s fault.

With Adobe CC our students have access to whatever the DEC graces us with, which is not to bad considering. However until we get Muse, Edge Animate, Edge Reflow etc there’s a small hole in the possibilities available.

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